​Elden Ring: How to Get Around Elphael Brace of the Haligtree With A Single Drop


Why go through the most difficult area of Elden Ring when you can avoid it? Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree is a huge Legacy Dungeon packed with the most dangerous enemies you'll encounter that you can encounter in the game. There isn't any more difficult place to explore -- you'll need to take on twisted trees as well as brutal knights that could easily overpower your damaged.  So you need to have better Elden Ring Items. These are the kind of characters that merit the runes, however, you may not be able to bear playing through this zone after a second time. Sometimes, it's enjoyable to break the sequence.

The journey to this area isn't simple. To get to the Haligtree the Tarnished must for completion of Lleyndel, Royal Capitol, and access the second Grand Lift. To find the secret route to the Haligtree You must discover two medallion pieces one of which is located in Castle Sol, Mountaintop of the Giants, and the second is located inside the Village of the Albinauric, Liurnia of the Lakes. The village lies in the southernmost part of the region and you can find it through the discovery of a secret Albinauric who disguises himself in disguise as an object. Take it on and speak to him to earn an additional medallion. After that, you can go through Rald's Grand Lift of Rald and use the lift to go down, instead of climbing it. There are a few additional steps to reach the Haligtree but that's the toughest part.

How to skip to the Bottom of The Haligtree

From the beginning of Elphael at The Prayer Room site of grace. When you enter the Prayer Room through the ramparts, you'll meet one soldier and three soldiers on patrol ahead. Go to the lower floor on the left and search for the square tower, which is located near an unfinished railing that you are able to easily jump or drop onto.

How To Use A Shortcut Skip: Go to the elevator shortcut (near the Prayer Room) and dropdown. You'll be dead -- make sure you are at the top of the lift before you pass out, so you'll press the button, which will activate it and start sending it to the top.

Respawn in The Prayer Room. Return to the shortcut lift, and pull the lever, or ride down the elevated lift. It will direct you into the Haligtree Roots' place of grace, which is located just in front of the Melania boss's door. This is possibly the toughest boss to fight in the game If you're not proficient in Dark Souls games, you'll most likely want to investigate the area. It is also the toughest to beat, stuffed with enemies that have high Elden Ring Runes values. It's entertaining, but many players will need to go through this area due to necessity.