The userbase is not the problem


To anybody accusatory about the abridgement of adroitness in peoples teams, it’s not their fault, it’s EAs. I’ve apparent a aggregation of posts about bodies accusatory that best people’s teams are actual similar. Mbappe, Jairzinho, Ramos etc.

These bodies are shutting on the bodies that use those types of teams and I anticipate their acrimony is misplaced. The userbase is not the problem, EA is the problem.

EA accept not appear abounding aerial rated, acceptable bulk SBC cards this year. That abandoned will abate creativity. What makes it worse this year is that these players all articulation with anniversary other, and it makes it actual actual accessible to use assorted of them.

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Example. POTM Mbappe, FB Pogba, and mid Zidane are all actually accessible to fit in a aggregation together.

And a added accent on untradeable rewards agency players don’t accept the bill to buy the top end players. Why save for a 2 actor bread amateur to buy all at already aback you could aloof ability Jairzinho and pay for him as you go instead of up front.

Another agency is that every gamemode EA has this year that’s account arena has bold banned and apprenticed SBMM. Why would I try to use a fun aggregation in friendlies to get some objectives aback I’m apprenticed to comedy adjoin actually acceptable players with meta teams (which they accept for affidavit I declared previously) and I accept to win 70% of my amateur to get max rewards adjoin D1 and aristocratic analysis akin players.

If EA appear SBCs in accordance with the ability ambit this botheration would not be about as bad. You can’t absolution Jairzinho and Zidane in December and apprehend the association to alter them with either inferior promo aggregation players, inferior SBC cards. Or players in the promo aggregation that are crazily big-ticket because of the incentives to booty untradeable rewards.

Ex. TOTY Hakmi, he is 3x the bulk he was aftermost year at the aforementioned time for an identical card. This is why, the aboriginal date of the bold and the alpha of tots until the abutting FIFA was the best fun time to comedy the game.

In the aboriginal stage, anybody started from the basal and alone 0.000001% bulk of players can be afforded Mbappe or a cool meta Icon.

And for post-tots, anybody will accept a altered band and the aforementioned ability curve, and about every agenda will become affordable, some of them still abominably expensive (buy fifa 23 coins from online shop?), but accessible to accomplish by arena the bold or repeatable sbc or massive bulk of 90+ fodder to earned.